Initialisation Overview

During the first invocation FMS will initialise default configuration files and directories and populate these with default settings and a single administration connection interface listener.

FMS uses an initial server settings file and a server messaging configuration file, as follows

  1. The FMS server settings file main.conf, automatically created and populated with initial server settings as detailed in the Section called Server Settings.

  2. The default configuration file, ConnectionConfiguration.xml, automatically created and populated with default messaging settings.

    This file defines the configurations required for communicating messages between partners and contains configuration settings for the following

    Partner Identifiers

    This section is used for storing specific partner values such as the partner identity and type, identifier type, keystore alias and password, the partner endpoint URL, and a comma delimited set of content codes used for authorisation purposes.

    Processing Modes (P-Mode)

    This section contains the processing mode (P-Mode) configurations for message communication between an initiating partner and a responding partner, including the events or legs with associated triggers for a message conversation.


    This section contains the port settings and protocol definitions for the supported interfaces including the ebXML, RosettaNet, Reliable Messaging and administration connections. It also contains the database configuration for message logging per interface and associated triggers.


    This section contains references to filesystem-based KeyStores. KeyStores contain the private and public keys (Certificates) used when signing and/or encrypting outbound messages and verifying and decrypting inbound messages.


    This section contains a list of Services, with each service associated with a business process.

    A service contains a subset of Dictionary action names relevant to a required business process which may be referenced from a Processing Mode Business Information Service and set of associated Actions.


    This section contains a mapping between the payload schema names (Actions) and a Dictionary identifier to be referenced by Service entries. A Dictionary would typically consist of a set of XML Schemas corresponding to a specification such as UBL (Universal Business Language), PIDX (Petroleum Industry Data eXchange), or EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol).


    This section contains a mapping between a text name and a Java class path denoting the location of a package manager to load, as well as relevant packager protocol properties used for various stages of messaging including security and messaging protocol validation processes.

    The enterprise version of FMS is required to create new protocol packages.