FMS Logging Configuration

FMS provides extensive logging functionality using both the standard java logging subsystem and the highly flexible Log4j logging subsystem. These logging systems can be adjusted as described in appendix ...

Log4j Configuration

The log4j logging facility requires configuration before it can be used effectively. The configuration files and associated configuration options are as below

Note: Logging in any level below WARN is intensive on the system and might slow down message transmission times. For decreased transmission times set the Log Level to either WARN or higher (ERROR) in a production environment.

The default file typically exists in the same directory that the FMS program files are installed. This may be changed by adding -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/path/to/ to the java command line as follows

\  exec java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///path/to/ -server -cp ${FMSLIBDIR} \
\    -jar ${FMSLIBDIR}/fms.jar $* 2>> ${FMSLOGDIR}/err.log >> ${FMSLOGDIR}/out.log

Further details for the log4j logging facility and configuration are available at and

Rotating log4j Files

The log4j log files may be rotated using the configuration directly or alternatively using the logrotate facility of the operating system as per the following example typically in /etc/logrotate.d/fms for *nix based operating systems

\# Rotate script for fms
\/usr/local/fms/log/fms.log {
\  size 10M
\  missingok
\  rotate 100
\  create 644 fms fms
\  compress
\  sharedscripts
\/usr/local/fms/log/error.log {
\  size 10M
\  missingok
\  rotate 100
\  dateext
\  create 644 fms fms
\  compress
\  sharedscripts
\/usr/local/fms/log/out.log {
\  daily
\  missingok
\  notifempty
\  rotate 356
\  dateext
\  create 644 fms fms
\  compress
\  sharedscripts
\/usr/local/fms/log/err.log {
\  daily
\  missingok
\  notifempty
\  rotate 356
\  dateext
\  create 644 fms fms
\  compress
\  sharedscripts

Syslog Configuration

FMS uses the rsyslogd logging facility on linux operating systems. Other operating systems like *nix and MAC OS X may use syslog for logging purposes which follow a similar approach described here. The Windows operating system uses it's own logging framework which is not documented here.

The rsyslog facility requires configuration before it can be used. Below are a number of suggested steps to perform for rsyslog and

  1. By default messages from FMS are logged to files in the /var/log/fms/ directory on *nix systems. If a different syslog facility, as defined in, is required, for example LOCAL0 then the system logger configuration file, typically /etc/rsyslog.conf for Redhat systems or /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf for Ubuntu systems , needs to include an entry as follows:

    \  # User log files
    \  local0.*                             /var/log/fms/fms-local.log

    and the configuration file, with the log4j.appender.Syslog.Facility=LOCAL0 definition, typically as follows

    \log4j.rootCategory=TRACE, Syslog
    \# The following entry requires an entry as follows in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf. Ensure fms-local.log has write permissions for syslog.
    \log4j.appender.Syslog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p SID:%X{sid} ID:%X{msgid} FROM:%X{from} TO:%X{to} %X{cmd} %m%n
  2. Alternatively log messages from FMS may be sent to a remote syslog server by using the following configuration.

    \log4j.rootCategory=TRACE, Syslog
    \ %-5p SID:%X{sid} ID:%X{msgid} FROM:%X{from} TO:%X{to} %X{cmd} %m%n
  3. Restart FMS and reload the system logger in order for the changes to be in effect. Also ensure that permissons permit writing to file fms-local.log by the rsyslog process of logging locally. Note that the facility (LOCAL0) is case insensitive.