FMS AS4 Light Client Push PMode

The following example provides a typical p-mode that is used by the send example above. Various p-mode settings are overriden by the command line including both initiating and responding parties.

\<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
\<pmode:ProcessingMode xmlns:tg=""
\ xmlns:pmode="">
\  <!-- Copyright (c) Flame Computing Enterprises cc 2007 - 2019. All rights reserved -->
\  <!-- RCSfile: as4push.pmode,v Revision: Date: 2019-02-14 10:17:34 -->
\  <pmode:specification>AS4</pmode:specification>
\  <pmode:general>
\    <!-- overrride Agreement using -ag <agreementRef> commandLine option -->
\    <pmode:Agreement></pmode:Agreement>
\    <!-- overrride ConversationID using '-c <conversation id>' commandLine option -->
\    <pmode:ConversationID>0001</pmode:ConversationID>
\    <pmode:MEP></pmode:MEP>
\    <pmode:MEPbinding></pmode:MEPbinding>
\      <pmode:initiating>
\      <!-- overrride initiating party using '-from <party>' commandLine option -->
\      <pmode:party>undefined-initiating</pmode:party>
\      <!-- override initiating role using '-fromRole <role>' commandLine option -->
\      <pmode:role></pmode:role>
\    </pmode:initiating>
\    <pmode:responding>
\      <!-- overrride responding party using -to <party> commandLine option -->
\      <pmode:party>undefined-responding</pmode:party>
\      <!-- override responding role using '-toRole <role>' commandLine option -->
\      <pmode:role></pmode:role>
\    </pmode:responding>
\  </pmode:general>
\  <pmode:event pmode:ID="send">
\    <pmode:protocol>
\      <!-- overrride address using '-h <remoteHost url>' commandLine option -->
\      <pmode:address>http://localhost:8080/as4</pmode:address>
\      <pmode:SOAPVersion>1.2</pmode:SOAPVersion>
\      <!-- overrride useCompression using '-z' commandLine option -->
\      <pmode:useCompression>true</pmode:useCompression>
\      <pmode:retryThreshold>3</pmode:retryThreshold>
\      <pmode:retryInterval>60</pmode:retryInterval>
\    </pmode:protocol>
\    <pmode:businessInfo>
\      <pmode:service></pmode:service>
\      <pmode:action></pmode:action>
\      <pmode:maxSize>0</pmode:maxSize>
\      <pmode:MPC></pmode:MPC>
\      <pmode:MessageProperty>
\        <pmode:name>originalSender</pmode:name>
\        <pmode:description>original sender</pmode:description>
\        <pmode:datatype>string</pmode:datatype>
\        <pmode:usage>optional</pmode:usage>
\      </pmode:MessageProperty>
\      <pmode:MessageProperty>
\        <pmode:name>finalRecipient</pmode:name>
\        <pmode:description>final recipient</pmode:description>
\        <pmode:datatype>string</pmode:datatype>
\        <pmode:usage>optional</pmode:usage>
\      </pmode:MessageProperty>
\      <pmode:PayloadProfile>
\        <pmode:ContentID>manifest</pmode:ContentID>
\        <pmode:mimeType>application/xml</pmode:mimeType>
\        <pmode:schemaFile></pmode:schemaFile>
\        <pmode:maxSize>0</pmode:maxSize>
\        <pmode:usage>optional</pmode:usage>
\      </pmode:PayloadProfile>
\    </pmode:businessInfo>
\    <pmode:security>
\      <pmode:WSSVersion>1.1</pmode:WSSVersion>
\      <!-- defined by -sc sc.xml security context file -->
\      <pmode:SOAPSecurityLevel>SIGN_ENCRYPT</pmode:SOAPSecurityLevel>
\      <!-- defined by -sc sc.xml security context file -->
\      <pmode:MIMESecurityLevel>SIGN_ENCRYPT</pmode:MIMESecurityLevel>
\      <pmode:X509>
\      <!-- signature settings overriden by the security context file using
\       '-sc <securityContext.xml>' -->
\        <pmode:signature>
\          <!-- CanonicalizationMethod - defaults to -->
\          <!-- defined by server property SIGNATURE_CANONICALISATION_ALGORITHM -->
\          <!-- SignatureMethod - defined by server property SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM -->
\          <pmode:algorithm></pmode:algorithm>
\          <!-- DigestMethod as used for all targets - defined by
\           server property SIGNATURE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM -->
\          <pmode:hashFunction></pmode:hashFunction>
\          <pmode:CryptPart
\           pmode:namespace="">
\            <pmode:element>Messaging</pmode:element>
\          </pmode:CryptPart>
\          <pmode:CryptPart pmode:namespace="">
\            <pmode:element>Body</pmode:element>
\          </pmode:CryptPart>
\          <pmode:CryptPart>
\          <!-- transform algorithm defaults to
\  -->
\            <pmode:element>cid:*</pmode:element>
\          </pmode:CryptPart>
\        </pmode:signature>
\        <!-- encryption settings overriden by the security context file using
\         '-sc <securityContext.xml>' -->
\        <pmode:encryption>
\          <!-- defined by server property ENCRYPTION_SYMMETRIC_KEY_ALGORITHM -->
\          <pmode:algorithm></pmode:algorithm>
\          <pmode:certificate></pmode:certificate>
\          <!-- <pmode:minimumStrength>256</pmode:minimumStrength>
\           supported but not used here -->
\         <pmode:CryptPart
\          pmode:namespace="">
\            <pmode:element>Messaging</pmode:element>
\          </pmode:CryptPart>
\          <pmode:CryptPart pmode:namespace="">
\            <pmode:element>Body</pmode:element>
\          </pmode:CryptPart>
\          <pmode:CryptPart>
\          <!-- transform algorithm defaults to
\  -->
\            <pmode:element>cid:*</pmode:element>
\          </pmode:CryptPart>
\        </pmode:encryption>
\      </pmode:X509>
\      <pmode:usernameToken>
\        <pmode:PModeAuthorize>false</pmode:PModeAuthorize>
\        <pmode:username></pmode:username>
\        <pmode:password></pmode:password>
\        <pmode:digest>false</pmode:digest>
\        <pmode:nonce>false</pmode:nonce>
\        <pmode:created>false</pmode:created>
\      </pmode:usernameToken>
\      <pmode:sendReceipt> <!-- defined on server -->
\        <pmode:enabled>true</pmode:enabled>
\        <pmode:replyPattern>response</pmode:replyPattern>
\        <pmode:includeUsernameToken>false</pmode:includeUsernameToken>
\      </pmode:sendReceipt>
\    </pmode:security>
\  </pmode:event>