Adding a new Schema

Adding a new Schema definition to the configuration is possible through the FMC. Assuming the FMC is open and visible click in the Schema Mapping list on the left hand side of the interface. By doing so the following screen should be in view.

Figure 1. Schema Mapping UBL

By accessing (right click) the context menu from the list of Schema Entries it is possible to perform a number of tasks

To edit a schema entry just click on the Edit menu item in the context menu to open a popup window.

Table 1. Schema Entry Explanation

NameThis is the name of the Schema, this would be the same name from the client invocation argument Schema Type
SchemaThe value is the path to the XML Schema provided for this Schema Type (<The XML Schema>).
ActionThe Global Business Action Code as defined by the Schema
To RoleThe Global Partner Role Classification Code as defined by the Schema
To ServiceThe Global Business Service Code as defined by the Schema
From RoleThe Global Partner Role Classification Code as defined by the Schema
From ServiceThe Global Business Service Code as defined by the Schema
VersionThe version of this Schema
CodeThe Schema Code, normally provided by RosettaNetTM